However, the views expressed herein are those of STEP GUINEA and Community Based Organisation ( Association des Etudiants et Amis Volontaires pour la Protection de l’environment) AEAVEP.
Gueckedou is the town located in the southern part of Guinea; it covers 4400 km2; with a population of about 348 000 habitants. Gueckedou is sourrounded on the West by Sierra Leone; the south by Liberia as countries and on the east by the Macenta one of the towns in Forest Guinea and on the nord with Kissidougou.
The people who live in Guinea are predominantly Kissi people. They were the most affected in terms of displacements, property damaged (mainly houses) looses of productivity as a result of the civil war. Nearly all basic infrastructure were damaged during the war and still remain so. Very little basic infrastructure, if any has been built. The region was even before the civil wars badly neglected by all the three countries. Without concerted effort from the national leaders, the region will likely remain severely underdeveloped for very long time.
These communities have been affected by the long stay of refugies from Liberia and Sierra Leone who damaged all the forest for fireword and for commercial purpose. Due to that their livelihoods have been completely deteriorated . As result of that people are living in extreme poverty today in Gueckedou and the only site is under pressure since the news about the existence of gold on the site .
Under such a situation, STEP GUINEA in partnership with its site support group decided to carry on research ; identify ecological site under pressure and propose a better and sustainable plan for their restoration and conservation . Then later on propose and implement a set of interventions to develop strategic programmes in order to help these people, to preserve and restore ecosystems that are crucial to the carbon cycle and food securities for the communities, in these affected towns through improved cooking stoves,tree planting and capacity building for women, financial empowerment, education on climate change adaptation, business management and entrepreneurship.
The project " Conservation of the makona site for sustainable livelihood development plan in Gueckedou ’ is a research project and it aims to raise awareness about the importance of the weltland and eco- logical sites by improving livelihoods and reducing Man negative impact on the environment.
This pilot phase commenced in June 2011 and ended in July 2012. From its beginning this phase was to identify the ecological sites arround the Makona site .
The Association of volunteers and student for environmental protection( Association des Etudiants et Amis Volontaires pour la Protection de l’environment) AEAVEP a Kissinoh Foundation Partner in Gueckedou town implemented this research work in partnership with local communities.
To save these sites in Danger the following recommendations were reformulated based on the research findings.
-These sites are Important Birds Areas, there is therefore a need to raise funds and organise awareness creation acitivities to educate people about migratory birds; resident birds and their importance for nature.
-A strong livelihood development programme should be developed and funded for the local people in order to reduce the pressure on the sites through illegal mining and hunting
-A training and the production of improved cooking stoves will help to decrease the demand on forest for fire wood and reduce climate change impact on livelihood and biodiversity.
-AEAVEP is the only performing Nature Conservation Club in Gueckedou, there is a need to build his capacity in tree planting; bird identification and also promote the establishment of Nature conservation clubs in all the schools in Gueckedou in order to address the human negative impact on the environment.
-To participate to the global effort by acting locally, there is a need to observe all the environmental days and celebrate them to educate people on nature ; climate change; vultures; migratory bird..
The recommendations from AEAVEP can only be achieved by fundraising and proposal from national and international bodies.
Below the pictures during the concertation between AEAVEP and the local people in Kiéssènèye village arround the makona river
Pictures below describe the implementation of the research activities by AEAVEP the nature conservation club
The site under human pressure for mining
Sites under Human pressure for fire wood and illegal hunting of species
Our nature conservation community based club :AEAVEP Research Team (all postgraduate students in Environment and Forestry)
AEAVEP during the concertation with the local authority on the sustainable livelihood development plan to save the Makona Site
This project was supported by the panafrican private corporate PRESTACOM INTERNATIONAL as part of its corporate social responsibilities with the amount of 7,000 USD